Knowing foreign language along with mother tongue could be an added advantage for a freelance translator in India

Knowing foreign language along with mother tongue could be an added advantage for a freelance translator in India

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Search Topic: foreign language, Indian language, translation, translator, language, freelance translator, translation services, freelance translator in India, mother tongue

The language industry is growing in size day by day and all is happening because the world is constantly trying to connect to each other. Since the beginning of time language has been a barrier that divided the world into several small communities. Since the age of globalization everyone has tried their best to demolish this barrier and connect to each other. The language industry plays a vital role in this and translators are the backbone.

Translating your mother tongue is always an option for you. There are a lot of leads for a good freelance translator who works with one language pair, we all know consistency is the key to growth but knowing one foreign language other than your mother tongue will give you more advantage as a freelance translator in India.

Advantages of knowing a foreign language for a freelance translator

More leads in local

Knowing a foreign language can give you added advantage as a freelance translator in India because that will provide you with more leads. A Indian based company will always prefer a local translator for any translation need over somebody who stays in a foreign land.

More leads worldwide

When a foreign company plans on expanding their business in Indian market the first thing they’ll do is localize their goods or services. Localization needs good translators and cultural experts. So if you are someone who knows the culture as well as the language properly then you will always be the first choice for such clients. This is again going to give you more advantage over any other translator.

More experience

Knowing more languages will give you more projects for translation and hence more experience. Experience is very important in the language industry for both translation from one language to another and also in the concerned subject matter. When your CV will show more languages it will automatically mean to the clients that you have more experience as freelance translator.

Higher payment

If you are in business as a freelance translator for quite some time then you must know that the rate per word for translation of any foreign language into English and vice versa is much higher than translation of Indian languages into English and back. So translating a foreign language will make you earn a fortune in addition to all the local projects you do.

Growth in career

Growth is career that we all need no matter in which sector we are in. Be it a product or a service, expanding is necessary. You being a freelance translator in India who knows a foreign language in addition to your mother tongue will obviously get more projects for translation than anyone who can work with only one pair of language and some of these projects will be from the other side of the world. This alone gives you a huge network of clients which will only facilitate your career growth in the long run.


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